《如何创建一家像谷歌一样的公司》(How to start Google)- paulgraham - 转载

《如何创建一家像谷歌一样的公司》(How to start Google)- paulgraham - 转载

文章原文地址:https://paulgraham.com/google.html (作者:保罗格雷厄姆)

《如何创建一家像谷歌一样的公司》(How to start Google)

2024 年 3 月

(这是我给14岁和15岁的孩子们做的演讲,内容是如果他们以后想要创业的话现在该怎么做。很多学校认为他们应该告诉学生一些关于创业的事情。这就是我认为他们应该告诉他们的。 )

你们中的大多数人可能认为,当您被释放到所谓的现实世界中时,您最终将不得不找到某种工作。 这不是真的,今天我要谈谈一个可以用来避免找工作的技巧。

诀窍是创办自己的公司。 所以这并不是逃避工作的伎俩,因为如果你创办自己的公司,你会比从事普通工作时更加努力。 但你会避免工作带来的许多烦人的事情,包括老板告诉你该做什么。

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WDFT (Warped Discrete Fourier Transform)
AI drawing ControlNet local implementation steps by stable-diffusion-webui(AI绘画ControlNet本地构建实施步骤 by stable-diffusion-webui)

AI drawing ControlNet local implementation steps by stable-diffusion-webui(AI绘画ControlNet本地构建实施步骤 by stable-diffusion-webui)

Install stable-diffusion-webui


  • Unable to install due to network problems, it is recommended to use GIT source pull installation
  • Due to the large size of the model file, it is recommended to ensure sufficient space before installation: At least [source code + data model + extension]25G
    (因模型文件较大,建议安装前确保有足够空间: 至少[源码+数据模型+扩展]25G)
  • The PC terminal to be built is 🍎 macOS Ventura 13.4.1(c), and the Windows environment is built in much the same way.
    (构建PC终端是🍎 macOS Ventura 13.4.1(c),Windows系统环境构建方式大同小异)
  • Basic build tools (brew management recommended)
Project key directory(项目关键目录)
  • stable-diffusion-webui/extensions (扩展)
  • stable-diffusion-webui/models (模型)

Construction steps(构建步骤)

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Tribute to the great legendary philanthropist and programmer Bram Moolenaar, the original author and software maintainer of VIM(致敬伟大传奇的慈善家和程序员Bram Moolenaar,VIM最初作者和软件维护者)

Tribute to the great legendary philanthropist and programmer Bram Moolenaar, the original author and software maintainer of VIM(致敬伟大传奇的慈善家和程序员Bram Moolenaar,VIM最初作者和软件维护者)

Tribute to the great legendary philanthropist and programmer Bram Moolenaar, the original author and software maintainer of VIM(致敬伟大传奇的慈善家和程序员Bram Moolenaar,VIM最初作者和软件维护者)

Bram Moolenaar is a Dutch computer programmer and the creator of the famous text editor Vim.

Bram Moolenaar was born in 1961 in The Hague, Netherlands. In his career, he has worked in multiple fields such as software development and system management. However, his most well-known contribution was the creation of Vim, a popular text editor.

In 1991, the standard editor Vi for Unix at that time had very limited versions on the MS-DOS platform, and Bram Moolenaar decided to develop a more powerful and scalable editor. He released the first version of Vim (Vi IMimproved) in 1991 and continued to drive its subsequent development and improvement.

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Linux login shell信息展示类(neofetch、motd等banner类提示信息展示)导致的rsync服务不可用问题注意事项

Linux login shell信息展示类(neofetch、motd等banner类提示信息展示)导致的rsync服务不可用问题注意事项

终端报错信息(以Debian 11 系统为例):protocol version mismatch — is your shell clean?
  • OS: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) x86_64
  • Host: KVM RHEL 7.6.0 PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)
  • Kernel: 5.10.0-22-amd64
  • 【问题】:导致rsync服务同步失败,报错信息: "protocol version mismatch — is your shell clean?"

  • 【原因】:rsync等工具非常依赖于shell执行时没有任何输出。

  • 【建议】:不建议在.bashrc中输出neofetch、banner类和motd类提示信息,在~/.profile中source ~/.bashrc可以避免此问题,但需注意.profile循环引用执行问题。

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