Tribute to the great legendary philanthropist and programmer Bram Moolenaar, the original author and software maintainer of VIM(致敬伟大传奇的慈善家和程序员Bram Moolenaar,VIM最初作者和软件维护者)

Tribute to the great legendary philanthropist and programmer Bram Moolenaar, the original author and software maintainer of VIM(致敬伟大传奇的慈善家和程序员Bram Moolenaar,VIM最初作者和软件维护者)

Tribute to the great legendary philanthropist and programmer Bram Moolenaar, the original author and software maintainer of VIM(致敬伟大传奇的慈善家和程序员Bram Moolenaar,VIM最初作者和软件维护者)

Bram Moolenaar is a Dutch computer programmer and the creator of the famous text editor Vim.

Bram Moolenaar was born in 1961 in The Hague, Netherlands. In his career, he has worked in multiple fields such as software development and system management. However, his most well-known contribution was the creation of Vim, a popular text editor.

In 1991, the standard editor Vi for Unix at that time had very limited versions on the MS-DOS platform, and Bram Moolenaar decided to develop a more powerful and scalable editor. He released the first version of Vim (Vi IMimproved) in 1991 and continued to drive its subsequent development and improvement.

Vim is a free and open source text editor with powerful features and high customizability. It supports multiple operating systems, including Unix/Linux, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, and has become one of the preferred tools for programmers and developers.

In addition to Vim, Bram Moolenaar has also actively participated in the development and maintenance of multiple open source projects, making significant contributions to the software industry.

As an excellent programmer and creator, Bram Moolenaar is widely praised and respected for his dedication to Vim and contributions to the open source community. His work and achievements have had a great impact on the global programmer community and continue to inspire a new generation of software developers.

致敬伟大传奇的慈善家和程序员Bram Moolenaar,VIM最初作者和软件维护者

Bram Moolenaar是一位荷兰的计算机程序员,他是著名的文本编辑器Vim的创作者。

Bram Moolenaar于1961年出生在荷兰的海牙。在他的职业生涯中,他曾经从事过软件开发和系统管理等多个领域的工作。然而,他最为人所知的贡献是他创造了Vim这一广受欢迎的文本编辑器。

在1991年,当时的Unix的标准编辑器Vi在MS-DOS平台上的版本非常有限,Bram Moolenaar决定开发一个更加强大和可扩展的编辑器。他于1991年发布了第一个版本的Vim(Vi IMproved),并继续推动其后续的发展和改进。

Vim是一个自由、开源的文本编辑器,具有强大的功能和高度的可定制性。它支持多种操作系统,包括Unix/Linux、Microsoft Windows、Mac OS等,并且成为程序员和开发者们的首选工具之一。

除了Vim,Bram Moolenaar还积极参与了多个开源项目的开发与维护,为软件界做出了重要的贡献。

作为一名优秀的程序员和创造者,Bram Moolenaar因其对Vim的奉献和对开源社区的贡献而受到广泛的赞誉和尊重。他的工作和成就为全球的程序员社区带来了极大的影响,并且持续地激励着新一代的软件开发者们。

R.I.P 🕯️🙏

Tribute to the great legendary philanthropist and programmer Bram Moolenaar, the original author and software maintainer of VIM(致敬伟大传奇的慈善家和程序员Bram Moolenaar,VIM最初作者和软件维护者)


Jack Liu

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